3-Tab Or Laminated Shingle - Which Will Survive In Tornado Alley?

When it comes to replacing a roof or purchasing a new roof, house owners get overwhelmed by the price, roofing material, contractors, etc. In general, a few options come in handy, like asphalt shingles, 3-tab shingles, laminated shingles and so on. But if you live in a tornado alley such as OKC, you know the importance of purchasing the right roof and the consequences of selecting the wrong one.

We care for your house, emotion, and hard-earned money; we have discussed which is more suitable in tornado-prone areas. Besides that, you should also contact a local and professional roof replacement company in OKC to get their valuable advice about the right roofing choice.

What Are 3 Tab And Laminated Shingles Made Of?

Basically, 3-tab shingles are made of asphalt along with a single tab size. On the other hand, laminated shingles are made of refined asphalt. While 3-tab has a single layer, laminated are strengthened with multiple layers.

Which Material Should You Choose For The Roof Replacement Project?

Since the American market is chock full of various roofing materials, house owners get confounded. They may wonder if laminate shingles are any good for their house. Let's analyze the differences and see whether it ticks all the boxes.

Can It Withstand High Wind?

No doubt, a 3-tab shingle is suitable for houses but in places where Mother Nature doesn't wreak havoc often. But in Oklahoma, where tornadoes and hurricanes are a matter of everyday life, there is no better option than laminated ones.

This roofing material is locked tightly to protect your house against strong wind. On a special note, laminated shingles can withstand high winds up to 115 mph, which is considered a category three hurricane. According to Oklahoma City roof repair companies, laminated shingles can help you with longing the life of your roof.

How Long Do Laminated Shingles Last?

Of course, more than 3-tab shingles do. Compared with 3-tab, laminated has multiple layers and is heavier, which are the main key factors of its durability. On the contrary, 3-tab is a single-layered shingle and is lighter in weight.

Therefore, high wind can rip it away from the house during the storm. If longevity is your main concern, you must go for laminated shingles because it offers up to 20 years of service!

Do They Increase Your Curb Appeal?

Both 3-tab and laminated shingles make your roof more aesthetically appealing. We understand that nowadays, house owners want not only a durable rooftop but also a pretty one. To meet their requirements, manufacturers make laminated shingles in various colors and designs.

How Much Does The Installation Procedure Cost?

Usually, a 3-tab shingle is lighter and inexpensive, but it is more complex to install. On the other hand, laminated shingles are expensive but easy to install. That's why the roof replacement in OKC cost only makes a little difference at the end of the installation process; both materials almost cost the same due to complex installation.

Roof Replacement- Affordable for Most People

Comparing all the factors, we now understand that limited shingles are the best option for house owners in OKC. They are durable, stand against natural phenomena and boost your resell value which we all want. Anyway, if you're going to discuss it in detail and have additional requirements, contact our renowned roof replacement company in OKC - Taylormade Exteriors.